AS-ProcessMining - SSO Users Can't Access Published App

There is an Azure AD SSO integration and adding users to Automation Suite with their Azure AD email , it is possible to login to Automation Suite. However, even though they have access to the Process Mining app, and assigned license, both individually and as a group, they can't see the app.App is published and the message they see when they login is "Published process app(0)"

In Automation Suite, it is not possible to invite SSO users, this has to be done manually by adding a user with an email address.

User is created with one email address and provided all the right to it, however while log in using SSO user, that one had a different email address configured (this is an internal policy for them, every user has 2 email addresses).

Checking the HAR file we have collected when trying to connect using local user and SSO, it is observed that email address is different.


  1. Create a local user account using email of SSO user, set it as Administrator
  2. Connect to the platform using SSO, user should be orgadmin as it is part of Administrator Group
  3. Add any user from the Azure AD to groups (autocomplete should work)
  4. Connect SSO with user added at previous step.