Process Mining App Stuck in 'Creating' Status Within Automation Suite

How can one resolve an issue where a deployed app within Process Mining remains in a "Creating" state indefinitely within Automation Suite?

One may encounter a problem where the Process Mining App in Automation Suite fails to progress beyond the "Creating" status. This issue prevents successful creation and use of the app.


Initial Check:

  1. Verify Cluster Configuration:
    • The first step is to check the cluster_config.json to determine if app security is set.
    • If the security type is set to 'system_managed', this article may help resolve the issue. If it's set to a different security type or not listed, this article may not be applicable.
"process_mining": {
  "enabled": true,
  "app_security_mode": "system_managed",
  "sql_connection_str": "***" // dotnet connection string
  "sqlalchemy_pyodbc_sql_connection_str": "", 
  "warehouse": {
     "sql_connection_str": "",
     "master_sql_connection_str": "",
     "sqlalchemy_pyodbc_sql_connection_str": ""

Diagnosis: The problem typically occurs when 'system_managed' is set as the process mining security type and the SQL database user does not have the proper roles assigned to create new SQL users, leading to a failure in the provisioning of the Process Mining app as it cannot create the required user.

For diagnosis, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Check Security Roles:

    • Using SQL Query: Run a SQL query to check the current roles of the DB user.
SELECT role_principal_id, member_principal_id
FROM sys.database_role_members
WHERE member_principal_id = USER_ID('your_db_username');
  • Using SQL Management Studio: Use SQL Server Management Studio to view and modify the server and database roles.
    • Connect to the server in SQL Server Management Studio.
    • Navigate to the 'Security' folder, then 'Logins'.
    • Right-click the login in question and select 'Properties'.
    • In the 'Server Roles' and 'User Mapping' pages, one can view and modify the server and database roles.
  • Required permissions: securityadmin or MS_LoginManager at the server level, and db_securityadmin and db_accessadmin at the database level.
  1. Monitor Process Creation:

    • After initiating a new Process Mining app within the web application, monitor the creation process using Kubernetes:
kubectl get pods -n airflow -w
  • Look for the ingest-data-pre-ingestion-validation job. In a 'system_managed' scenario, this job attempts to create application credentials. Without the proper roles assigned, this job will fail.
ingest-data-pre-ingestion-validation-96t6txu7  0/1     Pending 
ingest-data-pre-ingestion-validation-96t6txu7  0/1     Init:0/1   
ingest-data-pre-ingestion-validation-96t6txu7  0/1     PodInitializing 
ingest-data-pre-ingestion-validation-96t6txu7  1/1     Running 
ingest-data-pre-ingestion-validation-96t6txu7  0/1     Failed    
ingest-data-pre-ingestion-validation-96t6txu7  0/1     Terminating    
  • Tailing the logs of the job may show errors such as:
kubectl logs -n airflow ingest-data-pre-ingestion-validation-96t6txu7 -f | grep Error


Resolution: To effectively address this issue, adjust the approach according to security preferences and ensure the database account is assigned the appropriate roles.

  1. If 'System_Managed' Security is Preferred:

    • Verify and assign the necessary roles to the database account being used for Process Mining. Specifically, the account needs the following permissions on the Process Mining data warehouse SQL Server:

      • Server Role: Assign either securityadmin or MS_LoginManager. These roles are crucial for managing logins and security-related configurations at the server level.
      • Database-Level Roles: Ensure the account has the db_securityadmin and db_accessadmin roles. These roles are essential for managing security and access at the database level. Details on these roles can be found in the official Microsoft documentation on
    • Remove any previously created apps and then initiate the creation of a new app to ensure the changes are properly reflected.

  2. If Switching to 'Single_Access' Security:

    • Alter the cluster_config.json to set the security type to 'single_access'. This adjustment will change the security setting to use a single database user, the one supplied during installation, for all app creations, bypassing the need for individual user creation for each app.
    • After making this configuration change, rerun the service installer. This step is necessary to update the settings in the system, ensuring that the new security configuration is correctly applied.
./ -i ./cluster_config.json -s -o output.json --accept-license-agreement

By following these steps and ensuring that the correct roles and permissions are assigned, one should be able to resolve the issue of the Process Mining app being stuck in the "Creating" status within the Automation Suite.