AppsScript code to send Google Sheet columns via e-mail

Hi there,
my last question was flagged as spam, I don’t know why since it was a genuine one.

Anyway, the problem I’m facing is having a Google Form linked to a Google Sheet.
I’ve edited some code found online to send specific columns via e-mail, but the code needs more functionalities that I don’t know how to add.

Source code and explaining images are linked below. Please be kind to me, I’ve got basic Javascript knowledge. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

P.S.: Almost forgetting, these are the things that need to be added:
a) be able to bypass the column upwards block (cells can’t be move upwards, the sheet gives an error).
b) if the user’s “name” isn’t already in the sheet, then add it at the bottom; if there is, leave only the latest reply.
c) every day, remove the replies of the day before.
d) remove empty rows and move upwards the bottom ones, to compact remaining cells in less space.
e) group all rows by same “department” variable, to organize the sheet.

Hey @Michael_Benton

Yes, sorry for that. Your post had a similar pattern to some common spam behaviour that we are dealing with on our Forum.

I think it would help a bit if you could share some context on how your use case ties into UiPath products and maybe whether you want to achieve the above in UiPath Studio.

Hi, thanks for you kind reply and explanation of the situation.

My goal would be to have a Google Sheet that does all the aforementioned actions completely automatically with an AppsScript’s javascript code. All images and source code to help are attached in the first post.

In reality, I wrote on this forum with this intent, I’m not thinking to develop or use in any form UiPath Studio or other services, because the solution is already in Google Sheets. Hope you can understand my words :slight_smile:

Let me know if you could still help me.

Hi there.

This issue was solved on this forum → Google Sheets: Requests Handling Automation .

Thanks anyway for your support.

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