Email notification

I want send email notification of birthday
the data read from google sheet…
please help me…

Hi Shubham_Akole,
You can use “Send SMTP Mail Message” activity or “Send Outlook Mail Message” activity if outlook is installed in your pc.
For a particular time to send an email get data from google sheet run a for each loop and dates in sheet is equal to today then send an email .


But how to read data from google sheet

Did we try with this component

Once after reading we would be able to get the data we want which can be sent to mail via SEND OUTLOOK MAIL activity or any mail activity where the data obtained cane be written to a excel file with Write Range activity

Cheers @Shubham_Akole

You can try what Palaniyappan stated or else go for “Data Scrpping” method and create a datatable.

For google sheet activity how get APi and client id ,service Account email

May I know for which activity it’s asking for those details because it will ask only the File ID for spreadsheet ID property in READ RANGE activity from GSuite package


google sheet Application Scope

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Aah ok
Kindly check with this document

Cheers @Shubham_Akole