Apps Studio: How to create Branding


We are building an Application using App Studio, were we will create 50+ pages. I could not find an option for the Look and Feel.
For example we should have the logo on all the pages, specific font to be used, specific color for the buttons.
How can we achieve that?

Thanks in Advance.

@hgaber105 ,

Theme and color branding are currently not supported, but they are on the roadmap for future development.

For a fixed header screen containing elements such as a logo and page title, you can create a single page and then reference that page using page containers on other pages. This approach ensures that your header remains static across all pages, and any changes can be made on the single page, reflecting those changes throughout the application.


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Thanks a lot @Arvind_Kumar1 for your answer. How can I reference the page using the page container ?

Thanks in Advance.


Please do refer below link

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Thanks a lot @Arvind_Kumar1, I followed the steps and followed the “Application Template” Video as well. However for some reason the logo does not get loaded. It is random couldn’t figure out the reason.
I’ve added a message in case the logo download is not successfully but it does not popup.

Thanks in Advance.

@hgaber105 ,

Do you have enough permission on storage bucket or wherever you are storing logo?

Hi Arvind,

Yes I have enough permission. As I said for the same Page sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

Thanks and regards.

@hgaber105 ,

can you please introduce spinner control? start spinner before call image and stop once finish and try ?

I’ve done that and I’ve even added message in case of error, but the behavior is random, during the navigation sometimes it works sometimes the Logo disappears.


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