API Authentication (Tenancy Name?)

Hi all,

I’m trying to create an authentication token using Postman however am currently having an issue with what goes in the “tenancyName” field. I have set it to a POST type with URL: https://platform.uipath.com/api/Account/Authenticate

As for the username & password, I’m using the credentials I use to login to my company’s UIPath Orchestrator. Also, for the tenancyName I inputted “Default”

The output that I get is:
“message”: “Invalid credentials, failed to login.”,
“errorCode”: 1000,
“resourceIds”: null

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Hello @shakir

Below articles might help to manage tenants


Thanks Ajju, appreciate the answers. I was actually able to find the solution. Firstly, on your login screen for orchestrator it shows what tenancy you are logging in as (for me it said you are logging in as Default tenancy). The issue with my api request was inputting the wrong URL. I basically just had to grab the URL to my orchestrator home page and add /api/account/authenticate to the end of the URL.


Hi, I did like u said and the result is in the picture. Any idea how to fix?