How can i get tenancy name?

how can i get tenancy name?I using community 2019.6 version.
i cannt find it anywhere.
ps:those parameters,i cannt findout.
“tenancyName”: “{{tenancyName}}”,
“usernameOrEmailAddress”: “{{usernameOrEmailAddress}}”,
“password”: “{{password}}”


I think that is Orchestrator tenancy name, you mean. please refer below guide.


thanks! But i cannt get this login page . Perhaps login page has changed? UiPath

might be it is depends on this.

Thanks,But I have no idea about this problem.Is it a unresolved problem?I used community version,I cannt modify orchestrator configure file.

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I think you right, but according to below post, you can use former version orchestrator. plz check this.

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