Could you try refining the selector of the Click Activity to include the Column number as well?
That is what I usually do, and then pass in the text I want to click in into the innertext(if its available)
It really depends on what the UI Explorer is able to capture and display into the Visual Tree.
The more UI Elements we have, the more flexible we can be with our Web Automations.
I tried adding the //webctrl tag = ‘A’ tableCol= ‘1’ // This did not work.
I tried using send windows messages and simulate click - It does not work.
What I was saying earlier is that the code worked fine in Internet Explorer web browser.
Now we are supposed to use Edge browser, while migrating to Edge browser I am facing this issue.
Further When I try to use the click activity outside the Anchor base activity bot is able to click the link. Inside the anchor base activity it doesn’t click the link.