Greetings, and this is my first post with you. And I should had posted this earlier for a timely response.
By far, the assignment is due tonight at midnight EST, and consists a basic flowchart to determine if a given whole integer as prompted by the user is divisible by 23 without any remainders. Now, I am eager to know, if in the flowchart as attached, is there any kind of an activity that repeats the loop in the false statement a X amount of times before breaking from it and displaying a message saying the allowed repetitions were expended? Because the “Repeat number of times” activity is only allowed if designing a sequence and the professor did NOT ask for a sequence.
If this is answered already, please let me know and reference me to such.
Now I failed to clarify this: It is capped at a maximum of 13 repetitions. Now that I have the flow decision activity as indicated, is that the right way?