Do we have max iteration property in flow chart as we have in sequences?

Hello Automaters,

I have started learning UiPath and came across this feature as having max iterations for do while loop or while loop to avoid infinite loop. I can see this feature is available in Sequences but not in flowchart. Anyone knows that do we have that in flow charts too that I can’t see? or we have to do some counter operations to break the loop?


in flow chart you would not have it…because by nature for while etc are looping containers…flow chart can be used for looping but not only for that…so we need to implement it as we need using flow decision:


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Hi @gopi.janjanam

For your question answer would be No

if you need to max iterations you have to use loop activities itself

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@gopi.janjanam yes you are right we have to do some counter operation to break the loop
for example in the flowchart -
create a intCount variable and initalize it with 0
use a while activity and pass the coudition → intcount < ((4)the number of iteration you want to run the loop) and inside while use 1 assign activity and pass the same intcount variable → intcount = intCount+1
so when the limit match with the condition it exit from the loop Counter.

for example as shown in the image


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