Alternative for Computer Vision Extract Table activity?

Hi Forum, Currently I’m working on process where i need to extract table from Application in a Citrix environment Which is completely Image Based automation. So i have tried CV Extract table activity for extracting table from Application, but I’m facing some of the issues :

  1. Not extracting the whole table properly(Skipping few rows)
    2.Extracted table not in a standard format (not structured columns) , Table Layouts changing every time while extraction.
    3.CV Click & CV element exists- Clicking and considering elements which is slightly similar to the one which we indicated during design time, if the respective elements is not present in the screen,(even Continue on Error will not work in this Scenario)

So I’m looking for an alternative way of extracting table from application which is installed in Citrix environment. Any suggestion would really helps my process development. Thanks in Advance!
NOTE: There is some restriction that we should not install any application inside Citrix environment.


As you have restricitions like not to install runtime also…you are limited with cv only…may be some post processing would help you

Also when you say everytime it is different what attributes are given in cv?

And for click I believe you have a accuracy percentage can play around with it


Hi @Anil_G , Thanks for your reply,
And what I’m Saying is, if i extract table using CV extract table activity I’m getting data table in a certain format and if i re-execute the same CV extract table activity for same indicated table it is giving different set of columns(like the columns are not coming up in a standard index).
And can you please elaborate the Accuracy thing? how we can set that in CV activities? I’m not aware of those.


Please check this

And try to check the descriptor for your table as well
