All The SAP Activities Are Not Working After Upgrade Of SAP Server

All SAP Activities are not working. After the installation of an SAP Support Package, if a typeInto is used instead of the Call Transaction, it works.

After the upgrade, the server-side configuration from SAP might have reverted to default.

The server changes need to be redone as per the following.

The RZ11 Values look like this:

sapgui/user_scripting = TRUE

sapgui/nwbc_scripting = FALSE (Before was set to TRUE „Which causes the Error“)

sapgui/user_scripting_disable_recording = FALSE

sapgui/user_scripting_force_notification = FALSE

sapgui/user_scripting_per_user = FALSE

sapgui/user_scripting_set_readonly = FALSE

All changes to parameters in transaction RZ11 are applied with immediate effect and are lost when the system restarts. For changes to be permanent, please contact your SAP System Administrator and use transaction RZ10.

Also, read more on the Studio - Configuration Steps.