All my work flow showing (Read only), unable to publish my work flows to Orchestrator

Hi all,

Publish and few other options are disabled. I clicked on Publish once and from then on, every workflow is showing ‘Read-only’ in my project. I am unable to drag anymore Activities as well to my workflow.

I have read through some of the earlier threads related to this issue and no luck

@Rekha_Reddy If you are using the Community version and if the Robot is connected to the Orchestrator then check the Robot type of the Robot assigned. I guess it might be set to Attended. If so, Change it to Studio and restart Studio. You should be able to edit the workflows after that.

Thank you @supermanPunch - I changed it from Attended to Unattended and it worked. So, we can publish only if the Robot type is ‘Unattended’?

@Rekha_Reddy It is dependent on the license that you provide to the robot, if Attended according to the license you are only allowed to Run or Debug the Workflow. Editing the Workflows or publishing it to the Orchestrator is not allowed.

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ty @supermanPunch.

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