Adjust an existing project analyzer rule?

Hey everyone,

First question i have is, is it possible to change existing project analyzer rules? And where can i find those rules? If i look at the (C:) disk uipath>Studio>Rules then i cant find the rules. I want to make some changes and some i need to copy parts for a new rule.

Anyone that can help thanks.

out of the box rules are located within following dll

Rules can be adopted/configured (depending on rule details)

I want to make some changes and some i need to copy parts for a new rule.

what is meant in detail whti this statement?

Hey @ppr ,

Thanks for you answer. I want to make some new rules for our company and want to change some existing rules. For exemple: You have rule ST-NMG-005 i want to exclude the name ‘Standaard_logging’. We name the log messages always Standaard_logging. so if we exclude standaard_logging we can check the workflow faster.

with the assumption, that you are using the rules as it is was intended, you case looks like a custom rule will serve.

Building custom rules:

Unclear about the plans if the out-of-the box rules source code will be released to community. But you can clear or ask @Forum_Staff