How to make a custom rules in Workflow Analyzer

Hey, I am looking for the ways to make a custom rules in workflow analyzer. What all custom rules are possible to make and validate our file. How can I start ?

Hi @Rajat_16!

You can take a look at the documentation:

And you could also go through this thread:

Hey @nerlichman ,
Thanks for docs. I went to the docs and had a understanding on Workflow Analyzer. However I have a question here. Lets say there are many users want to use the same rule which is created by me. How can I share the same rule with other users? Is there’s any way ?

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That’s great!!

To share the same rule with other users you need to follow the same steps you’ll do to add it to your studio. For what I know, new rules need to be added manually.

The section Add Rules to Studio explain the steps that need to be followed. At the end of the day, you just need to share the .dll to the users you want.

Hope this work for you! :grinning:

Thanks, I am pasting the DLL in rules folder but I am not able to see the custom rule in workflow analyzer settings

Maybe there’s something wrong with the rule, did you see this post that was just recently posted by @loginerror? It’s about a webinar with a step by step guide to create custom rules.

Also in the same thread, there are comments on how to debug your rule that maybe be useful to you later.

Oh alright, I’ll look into it