Adding queue items - bad request errorr

I am reading an excel file into a datatable. Using Bulk Add queue items activity to add datatable to the queue. I created queue in my default workspace in orchestrator.

When I run it, I get an error saying that bad request. I am providing the queue name and the data table name to bulk add queue items. What is missing or going wrong?


Are the column names proper?

If they are wrong then it would not work…

Try to open the locals panel and check the exception details from there


Thank you, @Anil_G

What would be a proper column name?


If you have unique reference then reference should be in small…check here for all names that you need to give


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Hi @A_Learner Along with the above tutorial, please find this video tutorial which will further help you in designing - Add Items - CSV,XLS


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Check the queue in the bulk add queue items exists in your orchestrator and it is accessable from your project.Check any differences in the queue name

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Hi @A_Learner

Check out the below thread


Unique Reference set to no. Column names are good - words with spaces. Q name matches. But still getting the error.


Check out the below thread. This should help you. Does your excel have large amount of data?


I am trying with just two rows of data. Still the same error. Thanks every one.


Can you share the error screenshot and Bulk Add queue items activity?


Do any of the column names have a period in them?

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At is the problem…the column names should be with numbers,alphabets,underscores…no spaces are allowed


You can have spaces in column names (which become the SpecificContent keys). Your example literally shows it with a space:


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Left side it says only characters and underscores so went on with it

I just tried and it works with spaces and also few special characters as well…Thanks for pointing it out


Can you share the sample you are using

I tried with this and it worked



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Thank you @Anil_G @rlgand @vrdabberu @shantanu_chande @postwick
All of your answers educated me and made corrections. Much appreciated.


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