Adding hyperlinks to excel

Hi All,

I have an interesting use case wherein i have an excel file which has in it’s first column some file names.

What i need to do now is for each of these file names in my first column i need to check whether the file exist in my local folder.(The files resides in my system, i just need to check if the file name from my excel file is there in the local folder or not).

If the file exists i need to create a hyperlink in the excel sheet for the given filename.

Attaching the first column of my excel sheet(Second image) and my folder(First image)Uipath1


have a look on this activity:

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Thanks @ppr but i was kind of looking for the entire process from fetching the file names from excel and then seeing if the named file exists in the folder.

a flow could in general look like this:

  • readin excel - read range
  • iterate over the datatable - for each row activity
  • check if file exists - file exists activity
  • if activity: then branch# add hyperlink #else branch: do alternate action
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@ppr The add hyperlink activity writes directly inside the excel whereas unitl this point i an doing manipulations inside the data table, will it not cause issue?

And also in the insert hyperlink activity you have to specify the cell name which would become static but for me i need to increment it.

for this you can use the index (maybe with offset correction) output form for each row

Could you elaborate more i am comparatively new to UiPath.

Hi @shekhawat.arjun1307 ,

Check this below article it might help you


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This is the exact solution i was looking for -

Thanks @Manjuts90

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this post in not open could you please share solution

Here is the file. (154.5 KB)


could you please explain of this what is B here and rowindex