Add Queue Item | Queue item violates the specific data JSON schema Error code: 1857

Hi everyone,

Orchestrator: 2021.10.4
Studio: 2021.10.3

I am using the JSON Schema Data in my Queue. I set incorrect input data to the queue to validate if my JSON Schema works correctly. I am getting the following error:

Queue item violates the specific data JSON schema Error code: 1857

I am expected to receive this error. However, this error message is not at all useful because you do not know which field is incorrect. My question is: Is there any option to set a specific “error message” pro Field in the JSON Schema so that the UiPath Orchestrator throws this particular error message?

Thanks in advance for your help.


If you need specific then do the validations before uploading it

ideally it would not say which structure is wrong


Tks for your answer. If I understood correctly the benefit of the JSON Schema is to control invalid input data in the queue. If I validate it before to add in the queue, I am not using the benefit of this schema. We could avoid this validation in the workflow by means of this JSON Schema. I am trying to find a power reason to use JSON Schema instead of developing these validations before creating a queue item.


Using json schema you are setting what values are to be present …but if the values are correct or not is something we need to decide I believe…valu validation is not done…but fields are validated


ok thanks again for your support. My question is: can we set up a specific error message in the JSON Schema Data?


this is the json schema validatoor/generator and it does not have any custimizing of error messages

You can explore if you want anything else


You’re not listening to the problem he is saying. The error message isn’t specific about WHY it violates the schema. That’s all he’s asking about.

Unfortunately no. This is a previously reported issue but so far no attention from UiPath.

That was the first reply as well…

even in last replied the same


Doing validations before creating the queue item defeats the purpose of the schema. The point to the schema is that it does the validation for you. But when validation fails the error message isn’t detailed, and that’s the problem.


I agree with you…but because of limitations currently we need to validate and schema currently is being used only to check the content needed


That’s what validation IS - checking the content needed. You use a Specific Data schema so you DON’T have to write a bunch of validations into your code.

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