Hi I want to add excel data in my mail body
Please let me know how to do this.
Read the data and then use create html content to modify it as you need and use it in mail body with IsBodyHTML property checked
Should i Have to write only? Read Datable variable in body of mail
Hi @Kuldeep_Pandey ,
Try this:
- Read the datatable.
- Use create html content activity and pass the datatable in and get the string putput
- Get the output of string and give it to the mail body
Hi Kuldeep,
Mail_DataTableToHtmlText.xaml (16.6 KB)
Use this workflow. Just input your datatable, you will get html text as output. You can use this text in the mail body.
Make sure you have checked IsBodyHTML property.
@Harshith_Adyanthaya can u show me the screenshot of workflow as i am unable to see the workflow.
Hi @mark_rajkumar1 ,
Mail_DataTableToHtmlText.docx (159.0 KB)
I have attached screenshot int his document.
Hope it helps.
PFA for micro VBA code which will send excel sheet data to mail body.
Step to run the below code:
1.Create Micro in excel Sheet.
2.Paste the below code with required change (Mail & Range)
3.Save the micro file.
4.In studio, used run micro activity and pass the function name.
SendExcelDataToMailBody.txt (2.7 KB)