Activities not working with orchestrator

We are using orchestrator to run our process.
Whenever we run our process from orchestrator sometimes Type into activity get faulted and sometimes Get Full text and Get text both are not working.
But there are many times when these activities have been executed successfully in our process through orchestrator.

What should we do so that the activities work fine?

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Let’s go one by one
For this kindly check whether these properties
Are enabled in type into activity property panel that includes
—simulate type
—click before typing
—wait for ready property with Complete as value

Then for this

Make sure that the screen is maximised and brought to full screen
—for that add a activity called MAXIMIZE WINDOW activity as the first activity in the sequence where the get text and get full text activity is used

Hope this would help you
Cheers @Tanvi_Sharma

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Thanks @Palaniyappan
For Type into i have tried everything you mentioned but still it gives faulted.
Just one query should all the fields be checked together at a time?

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Yes the mentioned one

Cheers @Tanvi_Sharma

Kindly add some delay before type into activity and try once
Cheers @Tanvi_Sharma

Hi @Palaniyappan I have given maximize window also it worked for some tickets but after sometime again get full text got faulted.

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No worries
make sure that get text activity is used within a attach browser or attach window activity
–add some delay before the get text activity and in waittype property choose the option Complete

–make sure that text appears before get text activity with a element exists activity so that we would now whether the elements exists and the bot failed or obtained the text we want

Cheers @Tanvi_Sharma

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is process running in physical machine or in VM??

@Ajju its running on VM

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so did that work buddy
Cheers @Tanvi_Sharma

have you tried some of the setting which i suggested in one of your previous post.
have a look


Thanks @Ajju
We have already set login to console as yes… will give height and width then will try it.

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welcome :slight_smile:

previous thread input which i have provided is worked for you then close that thread (link is below)

and for this thread , consider the input from @Palaniyappan as well.

one more thing is ,make the waitforReady property as complete.


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We used the delay after using the maximize window before get full text and it is working. We have also activate window maximize window as sometimes after maximizing the window is not activated in Oracle EBS.
Thanks everyone for your help!!!

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Cheers @Tanvi_Sharma