Action center - Number

I have this document understanding project and in the the action center I fixed this one number field, and I was thinking the value the studio would get would be the one shown in the “Value” field, but it seems that it takes actually the top one (with the comma as decimal separator)?

Can someone confirm it?


In DU the comma is sometimes taken as the decimal separator only.


When the document is not sent to the action center, the robot always uses the dot as decimal separator (even if the document is using comma).


Yes, although there is an comma in the amount field the DU would consider that comma as dot only. This happens for the amount fields only.


Why doesn’t the action center work the same way? Is there some kind of limitation?


Basically the DU is having some default schema so that’s the reason it is considering the comma as dot and this also happens only with the amount fields.


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