i am creating one flow, where i have to extract total amount from any type of invoice, but if it is not able to recognize it then it should send it to document center, so i thought of idea that
if the accuracy score is less than 90 then it should send that doc to actioncenter for manual review, give me idea on how to do that
Hi @Sameekshya_Panigrahi after extraction scope you can check if for that specific field if confidence is less than 90 then you can send to action center then you can create validation station using human in the loop
i have done that but it is not working
in ml extractor please check once have u selected ml skill under data extraction scope! and please check you are getting proper output after extraction scope
You should have something like above Post Processing configuration in config file like above. Check if you have given your required field in above config.
Also debug your code in 55_ExtractionBuisnessRuleValidation sequence to find out why it is not going to action center.
looks like you are not using DU template. DU template has this functionality inbuilt. Either you can create process with DU template or just integrate 35_ClassificationBusinessRuleValidation and 55_ExtractionBusinessRuleValidation xaml from DU template in your process.