Accessing The Backend UI Of Insights

Access Looker UI of Insights for On Prem

Issue Description: Insights 21.10+ uses looker as its backend. There are times where it is necessary to access this backend to help diagnose issues. Depending on the version and the deployment type being used, the instructions vary.

Resolution: The two different deployment types are MSI and AutomationSuite .

Accessing the backend 21.10 MSI

  1. Login to the Insights server. (It is best to login as the account that installed Insights)
  2. Open powershell as an admin
  3. Run the following command: Unprotect-CmsMessage -Path "$HOME\_insights\LookerSecret"
    1. This will fetch the login password for the backend
    2. If the path is not found, then it could be that the user who is running the command did not install Insights.
    3. If the path is not found, use the following command to find where the location of the LookerSecret is located (ran from powershell): docker inspect -f '{{ (index .Mounts 0).Source }}' looker-container
    4. Replace the '$HOME\_insights' with the path returned by the command
      • i.e. If the returned value were: c:\users\admin_1\_insights
      • Then the password fetch command would become: Unprotect-CmsMessage -Path "c:\users\admin_1\_insights\LookerSecret"
  4. The above command will return two values, we want the UiPathInsightsLookerAdmin value. Copy the password that is returned (it will always start with 1qW@)
  5. Copy the password in your password manager or password storing solution.
  6. Go to the following URL: https://:9999/login replacing with the Insights URL
  7. This will take us to the login page. The user name is: and the password is the password returned from the powershell command.
  8. It is recommended that the backend password gets saved somewhere for quick access in the future.

Accessing the backend 22.4+

  1. Before going through these steps, make sure that we know what the pass phrase is for the GPG key (this was generated during installation and should have been recorded)
  2. Login to the Looker backend Linux machine
  3. Either make sure to login as the person who did the install, or switch to the user who did the install
    1. Switching users can be done with the command: su
    2. Or if the password is not known, use sudo su
  4. If unsure of which user installed insights, use the following command to find the user: sudo docker inspect -f '{{ (index .Mounts 0).Source }}' looker-container
    • For example if the command returned: /home/admin_1/insights, the user who installed insights would be admin_1. So we would switch to that user with sudo su admin_1
  5. Run the following command to get the password: pass ls "Insights/looker-password" | sed 's/^/1qW@/'
    1. When running the command, we will be prompted for the GPG pass phrase defined at installation time.
    2. The sed command adds the string 1qW@, which we add during install time to satisfy password requirements.
  6. Copy the password in your password manager or password storing solution.
  7. Go to the following URL in a browser: https://:9999/login, replacing with the FQDN of the Linux instance (or whatever DNS name that was used for the Linux engine). If the Llinux DNS name is not known, do the following:
    1. On the Linux machine run: hostname -f. Try the returned value. This may not work if a load balancer is used or if using a custom domain.
    2. If it does not work, then login to the Insights Windows Server and open the file: "C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath Insights\Insights\appsettings.json". In the file search for the string: "embed_url". The defined value is the looker URL.
      • For example, in our test environment search for embed_url goes to a line saying: "embed_url": "https://looker.local:9999". The url would be looker.local.
  8. Once on the login screen for looker, use the recorded password and the username

Accessing the Backend AutomationSuite
  1. Login to one of the Server nodes of Automation Suite
  2. Read more Enabling Kubectl
  3. Run the following command: kubectl -n uipath get secrets insights-generated-secrets -o "jsonpath={.data['LookerPassword']}" | echo $(base64 -d) | sed 's/^/1qW@/'
  4. The returned value is the password
  5. Go to the URL: https://insights./login , where is the base URL for automation suite. (i.e.