Attempting to get on with the second level 3 assignment today but the acadmey Orchestrator appears to be down. I can’t even get to the log in page. I just get a blank page on whichever browser I try.
Check this link and try to login either of using google, Microsoft or LinkedIn.
And then go to service tab and you can found your tenant name and click on that it will navigate old orchestrator page.
Thanks for your reply.
I have logged in at that site, clicked on the service name and it opens a tab called “Submit this form”. This tab then sits there attempting to load the world’s longest URL and then eventually generates a useless error that just says " An unexpected error occurred" with no description of what has happened or any way of remedying it.
This is making it impossible for me to complete my training at all.
Could you please show me screenshot of that ?
this is the tab that is opened when clicking on the service.
this is what comes up after about 5 minutes of waiting for that tab to load. This happens on Chrome, Edge and IE.
Hi @Alexc
Thank you for the screenshot.
There is a known issue we are working on fixing, one that is related to your network settings. If you can log in to the Cloud RPA but you get the error 500 when you click your Orchestrator instance, try disabling IPv6 in your network card settings.
Thanks very much for your response on this. That fixed the issue straight away!
Thanks for the help both @lakshman and @loginerror
It certainly doesn’t seem happy today as now I’m getting a cloudflare error telling me the remote machine is unavailable
Unfortunately that is correct, our team is fixing things right now. We’re doing our best to stabilize everything as soon as possible.
Hello After Disabling the IP6 I am getting following error
{ “statusCode”: 500, “message”: “Internal server error”, “activityId”: “00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000” }
I’m getting the same issue. CE Orchestrator seems to be down for the meantime. UIPath staff appear to be working on the issue now though.
@loginerror any update on this? although CE Orchestrator is accessible, the response times on queues and assets are currently so bad that most workflows are failing to execute.
Same error , i am not sure if this issue is already fixed without the work around of disabling the network card ipv6,I get this error while clicking the tenant name in the Services tab
Still we are using same approach like disabling IPv6 and using it. I guess UIpath team working on this issue and soon they will provide update on this.
As of now follow the same procedure to do this.
Thanks @laskhman, will need to do the same.