About the certification

I would like to share my experience to get the certification.

At the first try, my score was 68! Only 2 more points to pass, so I verified the workflow and the reasons of the failure. The explanation of the score was not comprehensible.

Reading topics in this forum helped me a little bit, but, in the end, I found the solution using the best practice explained in Robotic Enterprise Framework document, downloadable at the Level 3 Training Course.

It is very useful to follow exercises at that course, but, in my opinion, related walkthroughs do not use every step of the best practice.

Good luck!



Thank you for the feedback @naut1lus and congratulations for your achievement! It has been passed to the team and they have this in mind for future iterations of the Academy courses.

Look forward to seeing some automation projects now from you! :space_invader:!

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