About expression or syntax or coding

Hii guys…
I know how to automate the application or website but I’m not unable to write the expression or coding plS help me to solve these…

Can you briefly explain, what type of code or expression you want to write???..


If you not familiar with how to do it and then you can use Web Recording and try it.

I will strongly advise you to do the UIPath training, its free!

for starting the best suits will be the training foundation, this will help you a lot.


Like if we want to select some columns from one Excel and load into new Excel like…

[Uploading: 15722445860176152757555363941752.jpg…
Like these type of expressions…

Like these type of expressions bro…


You have to do more practice and go through different threads in forum then you also get familiar with all these things. I also started learning like this only.

Thank you bro…I’m unable to write it like these type of expressions by own…give me some tips or how to Google it to get like that type of expressions based on our requirements…

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You are going through LINQ i think … search in forum … You will get the answer . You can write It which follows some basic steps in Uipath

Let me tell you a small way on how to get through this
—usually when we write an expression here in uipath expression editor like till the dot next to
We will be shown with all the METHODS in the datatable class
So let’s from your image where you have chosen DefaultView method
Once after we are clear that we are going to use this method for our datatable then our next step would be what to mention here inside the method
For that once after typing till method name and curly bracket like this
Once after typing this keep the cursor between the curly brackets and press ctrl+shift+space so that it will show us description what arguments are to be mentioned inside the curly brackets for that method we have chosen

So with that description we could come to know the inputs to be passed.
For more details on that class and method used in the expression search in google as datatable.DefaultView for this expression
Where in Microsoft docs we will be having all the details for each and every methods and class
To go directly we can search any method or class details to be used in a expression in this Microsoft docs page

Hope this would help you
Cheers @narayan_swamy5a6

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Thank you palaniyappan…but how to create those expression by our own…

That’s the one word answer buddy
Engage yourself a lot with this forum and I m sure you could easily develop a lot of skill in writing the expression yourself like where to use and when to use
My best wishes
Cheers @narayan_swamy5a6


Thank you bro…I have another question ,which language is used to create those expression some members using c#,and some members using vb

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As of now go with vb net and c# is in experimental feature with beta version
For more details

Cheers @narayan_swamy5a6


Based on our requirements…we need to write the expression right…!! So,how to write? Is it available in google

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Yah of course you can frame in your own
Or we can get from google to ensure that expression is correct
Cheers @narayan_swamy5a6

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Yeah how to verify in Google it’s correct or not?

Yah we got log of vb script executor in online
Kindly check with them once pls which would give us the error that we have made
By practice we will get to know from uipath studio itself

Cheers @narayan_swamy5a6

Please…Can you share the website link…thank you