
I am going to work on ABBYY capture with UiPath. I am having simple doubt,

  1. I am having both Abbyy Flexicapture Standalone and Abbyy Flexicapture Engine which one is needed for UI path.

Based on this only I am going to install in my machine.



You require both.

The studio is used to develop the flexi layout temeplate (which you use on your input pdf file)

you use the template to design what fields to pick from where.

The Flexi Capture Engine is used to make the the .fcdot file which is the input required for UIPath intelligent OCR activity using abby and the Flexi layout template which you made in studio serves as the input for the flexicapture Engine

for more details i would advise you to contact UIpath directly and they can guide you/give you a sesison on usage

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