Need to mask aadhaar number in Aadhaar Card scanned image. Can some one suggest me with some solution.
Hey @abhiseky93
Not sure If it is the optimal solution.
But you can try the following
- Once you have the Image with you …
- open the Aadhar Image in Paint or photoshop or any other photo editing tool .
- Try Masking the same with the hep of BOT in paint (can be done by drawing a line over aadhar details). the Masked Image Back to some folder.
Thanks mukesh but my aadhaar scanned image can be vertical,horizontal,down sided position is not fixed. Is there any way in which i can get text position(boundingbox) in image
@abhiseky93 You can Do Encryption or you can save them in binary in database and retrieve them when you require.
@abhiseky93 There is a qr code in every aadhaar card and there is a custom activity to read this qr code so you can get all details .
just need to mask aadhaar no of aadhaar card is there any way to get coordinates of aadhaar number or text coordinates of images
@abhiseky93 Hey. I have an API solution exactly for you. We have an accuracy of >99.9% to mask any Aadhaar format/orientation. Let me know if you are interested -
I would be more than happy to share the doc with you