did you try to create a new group/folder and allocate 2 licenses to them?
after doing this you must allocate your user(2 computer) to that group/folder.
As per see, u have an Attended Named user License, Which can be allocated to the specific User
that cannot be duplicated and assigned as a new license (This can be done by older versions but hope you are in a new version as I see you cannot do it)
If you need to allocate 2 licenses in for 2 machines , u need a 2 users to allocate that
Anyway You can try this also, but this is not much recommended if you are not good enough about the orchestrator
So before do this read this article and this my effect your unattended robot if you use same login to Attended and Unattended robots right now
Go to Orchestrator ==> Admin ==> Setting ==> Advanced ==> (Disalble -User License Management)