Your license could not be validated in data extraction scope

Hi all,

In my intelligent form extractor, I set my Endpoint as:, according to my enterprise license. And I found my API KEY in my preference page, just as below, the process is still not working. Can you help me to solve the issue?


I was also wondering if the User key is the same as the document understanding key.

Thank you.



Can you try to use API key for DocumentUnderstanding or AI- Unit in AutomationCloud- Admin - License page, as the following?


The key you have shown in the screenshot is the key used for orchestrator api request and not the du key …

Please go to admin-> licenses-> get the documnet understanding key from there and use it


Hi, thank you for you reply. I was wondering if I am not the Admin, how can I get du api key? or this is just for the admin.

Hi, thank you for you reply. I was wondering if I am not the Admin, how can I get du api key? or this is just for the admin.

ask your admin to give the key to you…

key can be used by developers but only admin can see in the admin page


I think admin right is necessary if access License page.

Hi Anil,

Today I asked our admin to give me the du API key, I tried but it still not works, I would like to make sure if I should be the admin or is also okay that just copy the API from the admin.


You need not be the admin…you can just copy the api and it should be working

Can you please tell what error you are gettinng exactly

Also if the api ley used is the correct one?

And for end point try using this

Also deending on region there are minor changes please check this


Hi Anil,

Yes, I think my API Key and end point both are correct. I also tried to add /?edition=enterprise after end point but it’s still not working. You can see the detail as below:


you need not add that

are you giving quotes in the test?if so remove them


Yes, I removed the /?edition=enterprise. And I add the quotes for the string value, but how can I remove them? I will cause error.

May I know on which version you are on as intelligent form extractor is deprecated as well


Hi Anil,

I was wondering where I can check my version?

it is deprecated from 22.4

Use form extractor instead …you can check studio version on first page left down and package version in manage packages


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Thank you so much, I changed into the Form Extractor activity and it works now. I even do not need the key from Admin. :grinning:

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