Write Range into row after the last row in Excel sheet

Hey guys!
I want to use the Write Range activity and write something under the last row of the excel file. I thought I can do it with assigning a variable with the value datatable.Rows.Count+2 and then Write Range with the range “B”+variable.ToString" and it says that the range doesn’t exist for some reason. How can I solve that or is there another way to write a range into the row after the last row of the Excel sheet?
I hope you can help me out!

Thank you in advance :blush:


Can you try Append Range activity?


Thanks for answering!
There are 2 activities (screenshot).
How can I put the value I have into the activities and how does UiPath know where it should put the data to (columns and rows)?
Kind regards


It depends on which activities(such as Read Range and Write Range) do you use , in Files -System- Workbook or AppIntegration -Excel?

The latter Append Range is in AppIntegration - Excel. We need to use it in Excel Application Scope. If you already use Excel Application Scope, the latter will be better.


I am using UiPath.Excel.Activities.ExcelApplicationScope. Does that help as an information? :smiley:


Can you try AppIntegration-Excel-Append Range inside Excel Applciation Scope?



It says that the range does not exist?
Is it possible to connect maybe via Zoom or something?