Write range excel format chaged

Hello guys i have an excel with date format column

When i read and write it to other excel excel format changed like below,

  1. I have used workbook activity for both read and write.
  2. i used preserve format in the read range property also
    is there any other solution for this.

Hi @Gokul_Murali

Can you try with Format cells activity


Hie @Gokul_Murali when you are using Read range enable the preserve Format and the write the data hope it work and let me know

cheers Happy Automation

i have enabled that also


can you try with excel activities, if possible share your sample excel


This excel contain like 50000 data when i use the format cell activity it is showing some other error


You can try Read and Write also using Excel activities


Hi @Gokul_Murali ,

Good Morning, Please follow the below steps after reading the excel data.

  1. Clone the Input Datatable
  2. Create a new column
  3. Loop through input Data table
  4. Add New Row and Populate data accordingly and for the new column have the excel formula=TEXT(ActualDateValue,"MM/DD/YY")
  5. Use the cloned table to write the data back to different excel table.

Ranjith Udayakumar


Better try to use a copy paste range activity


Convert or format data in your DataTable before using Write Range.

For Each row In yourDataTable.Rows
row(“DateColumn”) = Convert.ToDateTime(row(“DateColumn”)).ToString(“MM/dd/yyyy”)