Write range as number instead of text?

I have a problem. I am using the “Table Extraction” tool in combination with the “Write Range” activity to copy data into an excel spreadsheet, however, I cannot use it because it keeps being written as text.

Does anyone know how to prevent this from happening? Or how to format this afterwards? I cannot figure out how to do it using UiPath.

My workflow so far:

Hi @AL1

Have you tried using the https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/format-range-x activity?
It’s available in StudioX, but if you are using Studio, you can use the StudioX filter in Activities panel:

Here is an example for your reference:

Hello @RPAForEveryone

Thanks for the reply! But I’m not sure if this really helps me. I am using the community license of UiPath, so I assume StudioX activities are not available to me?

Can you manually change the format of the cells in excel after the workflow has finished? Or is their further automation required after writing range?

There is no further automation necessary, but I need the values to be stored as or converted to numbers because I have done some preparation in the excel file that requires the values to be valid numbers right away.


For Changing the format in the excel you can use Change Cell Type Activity of the BalaReva.Excel.Activities

Download the package BalaReva.Excel. Activities

Refer this link you have documentation as well as video


Hello @Gokul001

Thanks for the reply! But my problem is not format, but the type of value that Write Range enters into Excel. It is saved as text instead of number.


The work around which i shared is for the above question

After that you can change into number format.



Sorry to be annoying, but can you elaborate how to do that? I downloaded the activities but I don’t understand how to change the actual cell type with it. In the links you provided they only talk about custom formats.

This is my “Change Cell Type” activity at the moment and it doesn’t work because the numbers are still text.

Found a solution:

I am stupid.
I was using the “Table Extraction” activity using the “text” type because “number” kept writing 15,70 as 1570.
After looking at the Table Extraction activity again, I remembered that English-speaking countries use the comma as the thousands separator and not the decimal separator. I changed it and now it works!

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I am glad that your problem resolved itself.

Just to wrap up the previous comment about StudioX and Community license, of course you can use these activities.
Switching profiles on a Community License is also possible and all UiPath activities are as available to Community users as they are to Enterprise.

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