Excel write range datatype in column

basically i read an different excle sheets about 1000 rows and about 160 columns each + or -(not small range).
then i run some math, filtering, modifying values and i delete that range and rewrite it.

Some column values have too long numbers or stored separated by / or -
the issue for the long number when it’s written by Write range it goes like this
112+E15- but originally it’s like this 112024240662570

I understand the format is not preserved and if i tried to read range with Preserve format checked… it takes really too long to read it… i’m talking about over 30 min read range

if i manually change column from text format to Number it will look fine but how to manage it with UIpath ?

HI @mohammad.metwally

What is the activity are you used for Read and writing the data in the excel?

If you used Excel application scope just update the activity to Work book activities to Read and Write


Another Way to achieve @mohammad.metwally

Try with BalaReva activity → Change cell format activity


hello, i’m using excel application scope
because… i read range, filter rows, modify values, delete that range and then re-write it with new values. don’t want to use Balareva or any other packages other than official UIpath

Hi @mohammad.metwally

For Read range and Write Range alone use the Workbook activity. For Rest you can use Excel scope activities

Hi @mohammad.metwally ,

Could you try with Format Cells Activity ?

  1. We could use Read Range Activity from Excel Scope to read the Total rows present in the Sheet.

  2. Then use the Format Cells Activity to Format the Required Range as a Number like below :

Input :

Output :

Let us know if this is not the Expected answer you’re looking for.

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okay i don’t have that activity in my studio ! humm ?

@mohammad.metwally ,

Could you Let us know what is your Studio Version and Excel Activities version ?

Also, Be sure to enable Modern Design, so that you will have the new activities related to Excel that you could use (Requires Excel Activities version 2.11.3 or above )

Let us know if you are on a lower version and cannot update to a higher version.

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HI @mohammad.metwally

Go to Activity Panel → Filter → Select Show Modern

Or else

Go to Project Panel → Setting-> General → Disable the Modern Design → Click Ok


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@Gokul001 ,
i guess balareva activities are not available after the new UiPath update!

Hi @muhamed_fasil

It’s available in the Manage Package. Kindly check it out

In that post i have mentioned only Excel application scope activity and Workbook activity.


okay i found these activity thanks to @Gokul001 mini tutorial, and literally mind blowing new activities that i didn’t know they existed.

My question about the activity source… what kind of args or variables it’s accepting ? i see your screenshot but cannot determine what to do. shall i put it inside excel application scope or just use it after the file have been completely processed and saved ?

@mohammad.metwally ,

You would need to use it within a Use Excel File within a Excel Process Scope Activities.

these activities aren’t in modern, they are in studio X
i have studio enterprise license, we just had server upgrade and my activities belonging to studio X disappeared… any idea how to get them back ?
Uipath 2022.4.5
Enterprise license

HI @mohammad.metwally

Go to → Activities Panel → Click on Filter → Select Show Modern.

You will get the Modern activities


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