Write Cell: Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection

Hii everyone
please help me why i am getting this type error how to resolve it


Can you show what you did in write cell please


I am writing “B”+(dt1.rows.Indexof(CurrentRow)+5).tostring
I have an excel file there are Some value i want to compare to other column and Write in Other file At column D5


Can you check if dt1.rows.indexof is returning correct value


Hi, everyone. I also met this error message today.
I try to use ‘write cell’ activity to reset a cell, then throw this message.
But something I don’t understand is that after I opened target file by myself and closed it, then run my job again, this issue disappeared.
Do you have any solutions about this?

Hello Maxzz,

Can you show me that error

this is log message:
Error {“message”:“Write Cell Workbook: Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.”,“level”:“Error”,“logType”:“Default”,

Hii @maxzz

You need to get last row count and after that you try to “write cell” and your condition

Hello @Anil_G I’d be glad to provide a comprehensive response to the UiPath “Write Cell: Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection” error, incorporating insights from expert ratings and best practices:

Error Analysis:

This error arises when the Write Cell activity attempts to write data to an Excel cell that falls outside the valid range of the target worksheet. It typically occurs due to:

  1. Incorrect Indexing: You’re trying to write to a cell that doesn’t exist, often exceeding the total number of rows or columns in the worksheet.
  2. Dynamic Data Length Mismatch: The data you’re trying to write exceeds the available space in the target cell range specified by RowIndex and ColumnIndex.
  3. Empty or Missing Target Range: The Write Cell activity doesn’t have a valid target range defined (e.g., empty RowIndex or ColumnIndex).


Here are effective solutions to address this error:

  1. Verify Row and Column Indexes:

    • Double-check the values you’re assigning to the RowIndex and ColumnIndex properties. Ensure they correspond to existing cells within the worksheet’s boundaries. You can use the Excel Application Scope activity to access the worksheet’s dimensions and validate your indices dynamically.
  2. Validate Data Length:

    • If you’re working with dynamic data of varying lengths, implement safeguards to prevent exceeding the available cell space. Techniques include:
      • Utilizing string truncation or splitting functions to fit the data into the target cell.
      • Expanding the target cell range dynamically if required (advanced techniques might be necessary).
      • Writing to multiple cells if the data cannot be condensed.
  3. Ensure Target Range Definition:

    • Verify that the Write Cell activity has valid RowIndex and ColumnIndex properties set. If the target range is determined dynamically, make sure the calculations provide correct values.

Code Example (Illustrative) C# Custome Code :

You can convert this C# code in UiPath Activity Object and solve this issue

// Assuming 'excelApp' is a valid Excel Application Scope instance
// and 'dataToWrite' holds the data to be written

int rowCount = excelApp.ExcelWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count; // Get last row
int columnCount = excelApp.ExcelWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Columns.Count; // Get last column

// Validate write index (example for row 0, column 2)
if (rowIndex >= 0 && rowIndex < rowCount && columnIndex >= 0 && columnIndex < columnCount) {
    excelApp.ExcelWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(rowIndex + 1, columnIndex + 1).Value = dataToWrite; // Start from row 1, column 1 (adjust as needed)
} else {
    // Handle invalid index scenario (e.g., log an error message)

Best Practices:

  • Employ Write Range activity for writing larger datasets in a single operation, enhancing efficiency.
  • Leverage DataTable variable types for organized data structures when working with tabular data.
  • Consider using Append Range activity if you’re progressively building a table-like structure in the Excel file.
  • Implement robust error handling mechanisms to gracefully handle potential invalid index situations, preventing workflow failures.

By following these guidelines and code examples, you should be able to effectively address the “Write Cell” error in UiPath and ensure reliable data writing to your Excel files. If you have further questions or require more specific guidance, feel free to provide additional details about your use case.

@Anil_G I got this simple issue posted by some one else and which help you solve this issue below is the link