Write cell in Excel: How to refer column?

I am new to UiPath. For the range in “Write Cell”, I want to refer to the column number instead of its letter. I tried the below, but it gives back the error that “Range does not exist”.

“Columns(7)”+ Counter.ToString

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@Anonymous2 I guess the range in Write Cell or Write Range can only have the inputs that are in Excel, That are Alphabets and Numbers Combined. Hence it gives out the error :sweat_smile:


May I know why you are trying with Column Index ? Is there any particular reason to do like this ?

Thank you for the reply. I will be using it in a For loop where the number of the column is represented by a counter that increases.
Thank you

When you are referring an excel cell, there are two pointers involved. 1) Row index & 2) Column index
For example, If you have to write into the first cell, it will be referred as A1. i.e., A Column & 1st Row.

When you are using a counter to increment the row index, specify as
var rowIndex = ‘A’
for(var colIndex = 1; colIndex < 10; colIndex++)

If you want the column index to be incremented,
First store the alphabets in an array. (Max columns)
rowArray = {‘A’,‘B’,‘C’,…,‘X’,‘Y’,‘Z’}
Now refer the index of array to get the rowIndex
var columnIndex = 1
for(var rowIndex = 1; rowIndex < 10; rowIndex++)
Note: rowArray(rowIndex-1) because the the first index of the array will be 0

If you need to use both row and column increments, then use the combination.

Hope this is helpful!

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