Working in multiple Browser Tab

Hi All,

I have to work on a process automation using Modern StudioX and below is the process to automate:

Open a drop down with patients profile: for 1st Value in drop down by default Process in current tab
when user clicks on next values in drop down, a new browser tab opens and user has to repeat same process which is done for 1st patient in subsequent tab until all the values in drop down completes.

Please advice how should I automate this process

Thanks in advacne

Hi @sgarg

You can use for each Ui element activity to iterate through all the items from the drop down.

Use click activity and pass the current element in the input element property of click activity.

Not working, please if anyone can suggest the complete flow

Hello @sgarg, try this:

  1. Use the “Open Browser” activity to open the web application where the drop-down with patient profiles is located.
  2. Use the “Click” activity to click on the drop-down and open the list of patient profiles.
  3. Use the “Get Full Text” or “Get Text” activity to extract the list of patient profiles from the drop-down.
  4. Use the “For Each” activity to loop through each patient profile in the extracted list.
  5. Inside the “For Each” loop, use the “Click” activity to select each patient profile one by one from the drop-down.
  6. Use the “If” activity to check if it is the first patient profile (using a counter variable or a flag). If it is the first patient, use the “Type Into” activity to process the patient in the current tab.
  7. If it is not the first patient profile, use the “Send Hotkey” activity to open a new browser tab (e.g., press “Ctrl + T” to open a new tab).
  8. Use the “Type Into” activity to navigate to the URL of the patient profile in the new tab.
  9. Repeat the necessary actions for each patient profile in subsequent tabs as required.
  10. Continue the “For Each” loop until all patient profiles in the drop-down have been processed.
  11. Use the “Close Tab” activity or “Send Hotkey” activity (e.g., “Ctrl + W”) to close the current tab.
  12. Continue the loop to process the next patient profile in the original tab.
  13. After the loop completes, use the “Close Tab” activity to close the original tab.
  14. The automation will end after all patient profiles have been processed.
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But Get Text will be saved in a string type variable not in List variable


Try the following

  1. First use a find children activity on the dropdown which will give you list of ui elemnets eqch for one patient name
  2. Loop through the list and get the patient name using get attribute activity and get the innertext or aaname
  3. The value ibtained in step 2 can be passed as input to select item activity to select each patient
  4. Now depending on the tab name or so…try to ifentify each new tab and perform your actions in the same loop

Hope this helps


Hey @sgarg,

you can attach the activity keyboard shortcuts or send hotkey and give Ctrl + tab key

E.g: -

Hi @Anil_G ,

I have tried the same process but Select Item activity is throwing error “Attribute not supported by current Uinode”

Please advice instead of Select Item what else can I use as Type into activity is also not working in drop down



You can use a click activity with innertext as variable

What did you pssin select item…are you able to get the values? Did you print?


I have tried using Keyboard shortcut key (ctrl+tab) so many times but after executing this activity, it again redirected me to original tab and the activity I want to perform on another tab couldn’t be found

Hi @sgarg ,
You can try send hot key with key citrl+t to create new tab,

Scenario is if I click on a link in original tab, link opens in a new tab and then I have to perform action on new tab, after completion of a process user should come back to original tab.

Steps I have used are following:

  1. Used use application/browser activity and added my URL
  2. Click activity to click on link
  3. Keyboard shortcut key to go to next tab
  4. Type into activity to be used in new browser tab

After executing 3rd step it takes me to next tab but before executing 4th it again redirect me to original tab and not able to perform step.

Please suggest

I understood your requirement. I think you can try step:

  1. use application/browser to open your URL
    2.use get text activity to get new link
    3.use hot key ctrl+t to open new tab
    4.type into link to new tab
    Hope it help,

Thanks for your response but Link is in a button and not able to get link from that button

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