Workflow execution dramatically slows down

Hello there,

I am facing an interesting error with an automation which I’ve developed. This automation handles a few thousands PDF documents (with random page numbers and content), reads the data in them, splits all of their pages, renames and moves them to a different directory. Pretty easy
steps, the processing speed is high: around 20-40 pages per second are read and processed.

The problem with this automation arises when I leave it running more than 15-20 minutes because it slows down. A LOT. From an initial speed (average) of 30 pages per second, it will slow down to about 0.5-1 pages/second after 2 hours.
I can’t figure out why this happens. The RAM consumption stays the same, so this isn’t about temporary storing data in RAM. Assistant and Studio both take around 10% of the processing power when this process is running. I deleted the UiPath temp files and nothing changes.

11 000 documents → 30 pages/second in the beginning
3500 documents left → speed drops to 0.5-1 pages/second

But wait, there’s more. Remember that speed of 0.5-1 pages per second after 2 hours? If I stop the robot execution and turn in back on it will start processing the documents with the initial speed of 30 pages per second. I don’t know how, I don’t know what this means and why it works this way.

I would appreciate if you could give me an idea to why this issue arises and how can I find a workaround.

Thank you and have a great week-end!

Hello there,

Any ideas?

Thank you!

  • I think you can try deleting the log files which are generated while the robot is running. Write a sequence which will delete the Studio logs and Execution logs regularly, if you are running it in Studio and not on Orchestrator.
  • Try not to have huge tables or dictionaries which are being filled during this 11000 documents reading is going on. You can regularly write this table to an excel and clear it again and again.

Thank you for your answer. I do have some questions:

I think you can try deleting the log files which are generated while the robot is running. Write a sequence which will delete the Studio logs and Execution logs regularly, if you are running it in Studio and not on Orchestrator.

Could you give me more information regarding this point? I tried searching for how to clear these logs but I honestly can’t figure out a solution. I would love to try this log purge.

Try not to have huge tables or dictionaries which are being filled during this 11000 documents reading is going on. You can regularly write this table to an excel and clear it again and again.

The number of the input files does not really matter, as they are processed one at a time (100-200 KB/file). All the files paths are stored in a string so the size of this array is not a concern for me at the moment.

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Check the logs which are generated here. You can just delete the files regularly if your single run is huge.

This issue was caused by “logs”. I had a dataTable variable which was collecting info at each cycle run.
Each process cycle run = 1 new line. My guess is that this variable was getting filled with cache.
Got rid off it and the robot worked fine afterwards.

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