I am reaching out regarding an issue with my UiPath workflow. I successfully created an end-to-end workflow that was running perfectly on Tuesday, allowing me to automatically assign Jira stories. However, when I attempted to run the same workflow today, I encountered an error (please find the attached screenshot for reference).
Despite posting a channel message, the issue persists. Interestingly, I have another workflow with the same functionality, except for the assignee part, and it continues to run successfully. This suggests that the issue might be related specifically to the assignee functionality in my original workflow.
Since this workflow was thoroughly tested and used to create multiple Jira stories earlier, I am unsure why it is failing now. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in diagnosing and resolving this issue at your earliest convenience.
Hello, Sonali
I hope you are doing well.
I am encountering an issue with my UiPath workflow, where the initialization process is failing even before the trigger activity is executed. As a result, I am unable to debug the issue since the first step is not running. The workflow, which includes activities such as Create Issue, Update Issue, Log Messages, Send Channel Messages, Update Issue Assignee, and Find User by Email or Display Name. It was functioning perfectly until the day before yesterday.
I have attached a screenshot for your reference, which highlights the error encountered.
Would it be possible to set up a meeting at your earliest convenience to troubleshoot this issue? Please let me know your availability.
Looks like an issue in the ‘input’ argument/variable.
Can you please check where the value for this is coming from? Is it null? Can you check by printing its value as a first statement in your workflow? Or where you are using this value, check if it is null using if else statement and proceed only if it is not null else throw exception.
This value is being used in the workflow but because its null, workflow is throwing error.
As you saying it is failing even before the trigger activity (Trigger when a message is posted in a particular format)? is executed, it seems like Parameter ‘input’ that you are trying to use as variable requires an input value, but the value you’re providing is currently empty or not assigned, causing the process to fail because it needs a non-null value to proceed.
What is the input parameter of the trigger? add screenshot if possible
I am assuming format of message posted in the team’s channel matches, but the value is null.