Word actitviy scope : Overiding files to blank

Good day everyone

I am having and issue with the word activities where, everytime i run the automation after retrievin the doc it resets document to a blank doc

Some assistance in this matter would greatly apprechiated


After performing your operation use save document as.so that it can save the document

Hi rigandu

so i have please see attached


Would you be able to share workflow for analysis?

Ashok :slight_smile:

The warning is due to me using HTML instead of a word doc inside the send email activity

I added the use application browser to the sequence, to try and trouble shoot but now it opens then when automation runs it goes blank and saved as a blank file


Ok. Thanks for sharing!
Try building a sample workflow with simple Word Application Scope, do some changes and save the file. Check if this workflow also returning same blank file or not.

If the behavior is same then, it might be a issue in the Word package version. Try upgrading or downgrading by a version and test.

Ashok :slight_smile:

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