Will there be problems if you changed PCs with UiPath Studio and continue the development process?

Good morning friends;

I have a question please, I have the UiPath Studio on a development PC and the UiPath service on a remote server.

The problem is that the PC where I develop is failing and I will change to another. My doubt is about the actions that I must do to be able to continue developing normally on the new PC, I have the folders of the bots that I have been doing, I would move those folders to the new PC and then I would connect to the orchestrator, right?

Are there other things I should take into account?

I thank you in advance for your advice.

Hi @Lynx ,

Please do take backup of the files/Folders that were being used In the UiPath Folder.

Since, it is a Development PC, It should be fine.

Unless, there were additional setup done to make a process work , maybe adding nupkg or dll files in the Program Data / Packages folder, it should be good to continue with your shifting Process.

We could however, do the same steps once configured for the Old Machine into the new machine.

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Thank you very much for answering

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Good morning friend;

Today I changed machines, copied all the projects to the new pc, “uipath folder” but when I try to update a project I get the following message:

@Lynx It says the package already exists so you can’t publish this until you update the package. Please follow the below steps to update the package

  • Open Project.json file which present in your project folder


  • Change the project version to a different version (Given version should not present in orch)


  • Save the file and re open the project then try to publish it
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Thank you very much @ushu for the help, it worked!

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