Why won't my workflow run? First activity Browse for File ran 1 out of 30 times

It ran exactly once.

The first activity is a Browse for File Activity and I had the file explorer appear once out of 30 tries or so.

My git: GitHub - nyck33/eslapp_uipath_chatgpt_ocr

Also I clicked the publish button on the UI of Studio and got as output:


Project published successfully.
Name: chatgptOCRGrading
Version: 1.0.1


But where exactly did it publish to? This is different from a git push because my repo does not show any updates.

Please feel free to provide some advice.

There, if you look at Properties on the right, under Output-SelectedFile I have zipPath which is an empty variable (I’m using C#) to which I want the file path of whatever file I select in the pop up file explorer to be saved to zipPath. Is this correct?

[Deleted I can only put one image]

That’s my second activity. I have a prompt for ChatGPT saved in a text file so I want to browse for that file and save its path to promptsPath.

I don’t really want to use a Dialog here to input a string file path but this is very frustrating. I was certified at Foundation level a few years ago but this is my first time trying a project outside the courses.


  1. What is the error you get for the prompt not appearing?
  2. When you publish the package it gets published to orchestrator tenant or the local file which ever you select but not to the git repo…you can click on publish again and see the publish options where you can see to where the package is published



If you want to push to git repo you need to add git and push the code and not publish



I’ve updated my repo and now using File Dialog to input absolute paths to my zip file and Prompts.txt file.

But now I have problems in detecting the “+” button on GPT4 Plus Code Interpreter screen.

as you can see it’s a small button in the text input box at the bottom.

I tried anchoring to many different things, using delay before and also to check app state to make sure that button is on the screen before proceeding.

What else can I try?

I have a hunch that Chrome is probably better than Firefox. Is this true?


First preferred browsers are Chrome and edge …they support better yes


It still has major problems finding the “+” button. I’m not sure why.


Why are you no using api for chatgpt?



This is cheaper with my ChatGPT Plus subscription I thought but now that is what I plan to do. But this was time well spent, ChatGPT agrees that UiPath even if not used for the workflow is a good diagramming tool.


Not sure why you are unable to indicate…did you try to install or check the chrome extension

because I tried just now and able to indicate it
