While automating microsoft power apps dont't allow is giving empty selection

while automating microsoft power apps “dont’t allow” is giving empty selection. I have tried many ways to get selection. I have tried web recording to get the selection but it is showing error

Hi @Pritha_Banerjee!

I think you’ve got the wrong company forum :slight_smile:
I’d be more than happy to help you with any UiPath Apps related questions or feedback you have.

But since you’re here… It looks like you need to provide credentials for your F and O Custom Connector before you can run that app.

Good luck!

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Hi I just wanted to select “Don’t allow” button which is giving empty selection

Hi @Pritha_Banerjee,

Welcome to the Community !

Since it’s a pop up window you are probably not getting selectors for the ‘Don’t Allow’ button. I suggest using Click Image Activity in this case.

Hope that helps !

Thanks & Regards,

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