Where can I find the course: UiPath Level 1- Foundation Training Diploma:

Hi all,

I’ve been trying to find the course called: UiPath Level 1- Foundation Training Diploma. But there was no luck when looking for the course under https://academy.uipath.com/.

Can anyone please help me with the correct navigation?

Happy Learning!!!

Sudheer Pithani

Hi @Pithani_Sudheer

Is this course supposed to be a part of some certification?

I’m not sure if that’s what you’re looking for, but you can browse: learning by role (UiPath Academy)
Then write foundation in the search bar. You will get all of the foundation learning paths.

HI @Pithani_Sudheer

Welcome to UiPath community

I think so you are ask about the older one [UiPath Level 1- Foundation Training Diploma] it not available

Check out this thread

You can try with this : UiPath Academy
