When I'm trying to open Studio I keep getting an error and unable to open new/ld projects

When I open UiPath Studio and click on New Project/ Process I get a dialogue box with the below error

Cannot Open Item:
The Project “C:\Users\xxx\xxx\project.json” could not be opened: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: .nupkg.metadata

Can someone please help on this issue

Hi @Lavanya_Swetha

can you try to delete our project.json file and then open your main sequence again?


Hi @Lavanya_Swetha, welcome to the Community,

Close the Studio & navigate to the folder: %userprofile%\.nuget\packages, here delete all the folders and files inside the packages folder. Now restart the Studio and try creating a new project again.

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

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Thanks Arjun, It worked

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