What is VBA Macro and is it mandatory to enable it from Excel

I need to run one macro script but its not running due to programmatic issue. wh3at should i do to enable it.

Yes to run macro we need to enable macro option in Excel.
Macro itself nothing, its a line of code to perform specific action in excel. Its helpful to automate many task where to perform clicks/actions needed in excel file in specific fixed format.

  1. Open a blank workbook on MS Excel
  2. Got to File >> Options
  3. Click on Trust Center >> Trust Center Settings

  1. Click on Macro Settings >> Check ‘Trust Access to the VBA project object model’ (under Developer Macro Settings)
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Thanks for
quick response. How we can make macro VBA script

Go to excel option → Enable developer mode from custom ribbon

Record your Marco by enabling recording.
After that you will perform all your steps which you want to do through macro.


You will get macro script from macros button.

@raja.arslankhan wao nice. let me test

yes resolved.

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