What is Unblockinput property for?


I noticed this property on a click activity and this find any info on what’s it for


Edit : i checked the documentation but I don’t understand


Can you check the following official document?



I still don’t get it…

Hi @adext

Check out the below documentation:


In my understanding UnblockInput property, when used with Simulate Click , ensures that the automation flow is not interrupted by modal dialog boxes or other UI elements that block execution, allowing for smoother and more reliable automation in scenarios where such UI elements are expected.

Automation that interacts with a web application where clicking a button opens a confirmation dialog box. If you’re using Simulate Click for faster execution and the automation needs to immediately handle the confirmation dialog (e.g., click “OK” or “Cancel”), setting UnblockInput to True ensures that the appearance of the dialog does not pause the automation’s execution thread.

The following sample may help your understanding.

Sample20240208-2.zip (3.2 KB)

Please set true or false at Unblockinput property of the first click, and check the behavior in each case.
(Sorry but it’s Japanese page, but will work)
