What is the value of 'Mail ID' parameter in Microsoft Office 365 activity 'Get Mail'?
In v1.14.1 for Microsoft Office 365 activities, the 'Get Mail' activity received a new parameter - Email ID.
Resolution: Email ID value is the ID of the email to look for and corresponds to the MailMessage.MessageId value (MailMessage is a Office365Message variable). This value can be used in the 'Get Mail' activity to retrieve a specific mail if the MessageId value is known. If the email with the specified ID is found, the output array contains exactly one element.
In case Integration Service for Microsoft Outlook365 (Documentation About The Microsoft Outlook 365 Connector) is used and if a trigger is set for email related events, then the value of the input argument UiPathEventObjectId can be passed as the value for 'Email ID' and can be used to retrieve the specific email using 'Get Mail' activity. The Email related events are as follows:
- New Email received
- Existing record updated
- Email moved to Trash bin
- New record created
- Email sent
When the value of 'Mail ID' specified, the following parameters are taken into consideration,
- Account
- Get as HTML
- Mark As Read
Also, the following parameters are ignored,
- Only Unread Messages
- Order By Date
- Query
- Top