We got a project that is now in production and working well,
involving at start an API Trigger setuped through Integration Service regarding Outlook and New Email Received.
It triggers a job and my studio process uses “GetNewestMail” activity. But it can happen that the mail retrieved from activity is not the one that has been triggered ( if business send 3 emails in a row, API Trigger can take up to 5 minutes to wake up ) so the original mail will never be processed.
My question is, is it possible through studio to point out the mail ID or something like this that has been trigerred by the API ?
Well the activity Get Email By ID does not work with the ID given by UiPath through API Trigger. Is it still mandatory to use Microsoft 365 Scope + Get Mail Activity ? With have an integration Service connection setuped and I want to use it exclusively
When looking at UiPath documentation for Get Mail By ID activity, it tells that it can work using api trigger and UiPathEventObjectId … cant manage to make it work I get Get Email by ID: An unspecified error has occurred.
Not sure about the Desktop version of the Studio but from Studio Web if you select the trigger as below, you will get the message id of the email which triggered the bot.