What is the process to move the process to Prod from Dev environment?

Hi All

Can anyone one explain the procedure to move the code from your local dev machine to production ?

Once we develop the code in studio and also published to the Dev environment in orchestrator, how to move the code to Production environment ?

Can anyone give some steps how its done in real time projects ?

You can use two methods.

1.Copy the process folder and Go to the production bot.
2. Paste the process folder in Production bot and open the xaml file publish there.
3. Add the process in Process tab in Production orchestrator and Use it.
Please find the below steps.

  1. Go to the Development orchestrator.
  2. Select the required package from Packages tab->View versions-> Click More Actions->Download Package.
    3.Launch the production orchestrator and Upload the package under packages tab.
    4.Click on Process and add as a new process.
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@praseedplk Thanks !

Can we do like this ?
We have published the package in Dev environment. In the same orchestrator create another environment called Prod and assign the Prod VM to that environment. Then deploy the package to Prod environment.

@praseedplk Do we need different orchestrator ? Can’t we do in the same orchestrator creating different environment ?

Hi as per the recommended practice, to publish the package from your development studio to production, follow the below process
From the Studio,

  • Disconnect your studio from Orchestrator
  • Publish the package to local environment
  • Copy the package and give it to the team member who has reviewer role
  • Ask him/her to upload the package into the target Orchestrator.
    If the package is already in Dev/Staging Orchestrator,
  • Ask the reviewer to download the package from the source Orchestrator and upload into the target Orchestrator.

Don’t mix the development and production in same machine.

@Madeshwaran_Mohanraj We are having different VM for production. But the orchestrtaor will be the same right ??

Can we do like this ?
We have published the package in Dev environment. In the same orchestrator create another environment called Prod and assign the Prod VM to that environment. Then deploy the package to Prod environment.

No, Orchestrator has to be different for production. Please dedicate a separate machine for production Orchestrator.

But why can’t we do in the same orchestrator ?

Also could you please check the steps i have explained above and tell if that is Ok ??

  • First of all, you don’t want to have your production data and development data reside in the same database for compliance issue.

  • Second the production operational requirements are totally different than the development.

  • I strongly recommend you go through this https://docs.uipath.com/installation-and-upgrade/docs/about-deployment and all the sub section under this.

Production orchestrator has different url. You need to use the download package from dev and need to upload the package into production orchestrator.

You need to have different orchestrators(production and dev)

Will be easier for us if you tell us what licenses you have now and the structure you chose for your environments… Like, if you have only one orchestrator, than the package is already there, just publish another process for the prod environment.

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Hi @bcorrea Actually I am new in the team and also to uipath. Just a general practice followed in real time projects could you please tell me what process is followed for prod deployment from dev environment ?

Also how the assets created in orchestrator of dev environment are moved to the new environmet ?

(In our company we have just started working in RPA, so need some guidance from this community to know how it is performed)

It will be a great help !!!

The processes will be different for each type of deployment, for yours, since you only have one Orchestrator i imagine being like this for Assets (you have only one Asset for both dev and prod):

And for the processes, also only one package and two processes (one for each environment):

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